"Lately, I frequently get an error while trying to open any folder in File Explorer, it says folder is not accessible, access is denied. File/Folder Is Not Accessible, Access Denied Here we will show you some practical ways to solve two kinds of access denied troubles: file/folder access denied, and USB or external hard drive access denied. If you are getting such a problem, take it easy.
You don't currently have permission to access this folder. The error messages may differ from issue to issue, for example: It seems that a majority of Windows users have confronted the exact problem when trying to open a folder or a specified document, image, or video file. What Is Access Denied Error in Windows 10/8/7 Run Command Prompt as administrator > Type chkdsk N: /f /r (Replace N with the drive letter of your disk). Right-click inaccessible drive > "Properties" > "Security" > "Advanced" > "Edit".
Run EaseUS data recovery software > Scan inaccessible drive > Recover data.