
How to install a tweaked enb
How to install a tweaked enb

how to install a tweaked enb

(the versions at the bottom are linked to the appropriate page with a download button at the bottom of that page) If you haven't already installed the basic framework for SE, you can get it here: Other pieces can be packed up into an archive for use with your preferred mod manager inside the Data directory. Some of those pieces need to be installed manually because they reside outside of the Data directory. There are several pieces that need to be in place for it to work. Any sky in REX that has a single Blue to it as apposed to a blend looks more realistic and less washed out.I don't use ENB on Skyrim (it's on my to-do list), but have started using it on FO4. I find with ENB, sky textures that have little to no blend work better as the dynamic range washes out the sky. If you use REX, I tweaked this ENB series using "tropical new" sky texture. These alone will give you lots to fiddle with. I sat in my car on a bright day and approximated the contrast difference facing the sun. Higher values = darker darks and lighter lights. Basically the level of contrast intensity. Bloomfadetime.(basically how fast in milliseconds the 'eye' would adjust from moving from dark to light)ĭarkening effect. ]bloom] Bloompower night, (I like bloom at night at airports.really brings your landing lights to life and all the lighting.

how to install a tweaked enb

High values looks like cheap porn from the 70's.but there is a sweetspot where it feels like light and space.

how to install a tweaked enb how to install a tweaked enb

Bloompower day (Produces the atmospheric haze around light objects. If you don't, just lower the value of Bloompower day or night.Īfter all is said and done, the main ones you want to play with in the ENB settings are: I personally like a bit of shmalzy bloom. Just save enb each time you make a change, then grab and change the fsx window in some way. By the way, if you open fsx in windowed mode and make your wordpad adjustments in another.all you have to do is change the size of the fsx window and it will reload the textures and graphics settings so you can see the changes you made without reloading fsx. Just open up fsx and look for the enbseries.ini Open it in word pad and play (if you can call it that). This setting is specific to a high end card. USE AT OWN RISK! From what I've read, you need a decent graphics card. Thanks for making the installer though! : It's been tweaked by the maker, but I find it to be quite conservative and not using the enb potential to the fullest Imho. I found this handy download that installs ENB into your fsx directly. I spent a few nights experimenting with and researching all the ENB series file settings and have got it to a point where it seems, at least to my eyes, to be very real, with a touch of atmospheric bloom, and working in all conditions (desert, night, day etc.). It took me hours to get it to this point so maybe for someone out there it will be a freebie. Well, this is nothing new, but figured I'd share my ENB series settings.

How to install a tweaked enb